80 Photo Prompts for Your Next Corporate Photoshoot

Woman looking at phone

Photo by Moxie Design


In this visual world we live in, most businesses know there is value in having a library of unique, professionally shot images at their disposal. After all, they can give your brand an edge across so many platforms and media—websites, social media, blogs, presentations, digital ads, print ads, brochures, direct mail and more! 

Organizing a photoshoot may seem like a daunting task, though—especially if you haven’t had one since the flip phone days. To aid you in your planning, I’ve compiled a list of 80 photo ideas (also available as a downloadable list) to ensure you get the most out of your shoot!


Download 80 Photo Prompts for your next corporate photoshoot!


Here’s a breakdown...

Photo by Leon on Unsplash

Photo by Leon on Unsplash



  1. Traditional headshot indoors

  2. Traditional headshot outdoors

  3. Sitting at a desk

  4. Sitting on a desk

  5. Leaning against a desk

  6. Sitting on a stool

  7. Leaning against a wall

  8. In front of office building

  9. In front of interior office door

  10. Writing in a notebook

  11. Writing on a whiteboard

  12. On a phone call

  13. Texting a client

  14. Giving a presentation

  15. Working at a computer from front

  16. Working at a computer from side

  17. Working at a computer shot over shoulder

  18. Talking to a coworker, standing

  19. Talking to a coworker, seated

  20. Talking to a client, standing

  21. Talking to a client, seated

  22. Showing client a phone screen

  23. Showing client a laptop screen

  24. Team photo indoors

  25. Team photo outdoors

  26. Celebratory pose

  27. Team meeting

  28. Brainstorming session

  29. Portrait with negative space to left

  30. Portrait with negative space to right

  31. Portrait with negative space above

  32. Walking down the street, one person

  33. Walking down the street, multiple people

  34. Driving a company vehicle

  35. Holding a coffee

  36. Carrying a briefcase

  37. Practicing a trade

  38. Satisfied client or customer



39. Building exterior

40. Building interior

41. Desk suite

42. Conference room

43. Reception

44. Break room

45. At a client’s location

46. At a tradeshow

47. At a conference

48. At a corporate event



49. Product photo, single product

50. Product photo, multiple products

51. Product shot from above

52. Product shot from front

53. Product shot from side

54. Product shot from back

55. Product in an environment

56. Product in use

57. Product in front of solid background

58. Product with negative space to left

59. Product with negative space to right

60. Product shot from above

61. Desk shot from above

62. Conference table shot from above

63. Whiteboards

64. Bulletin boards

65. Individual desk or workstation

66. Unique office decor

67. Building sign

68. Address plate

69. Business cards

70. Company brochures

71. Promotional items

72. Closeup of handshake

73. Closeup of hands typing

74. Closeup of hand pointing to computer screen or tablet

75. Closeup of hand holding cell phone with screen visible

76. Closeup of hand writing

77. Closeup of hands operating special equipment

78. Company vehicle(s), parked

79. Company vehicle(s), in motion

80. Office pet

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it should sure get the juices flowing! Download the full checklist here to get started on your planning.

Need help utilizing your images once you have them? An experienced graphic designer can help you make the most of your assets. Contact Chelsea to update your visual brand!

Chelsea Liske