10 Free Designer-Approved Google Font Combos


We all know how important choosing the right fonts can be for a brand. Make the wrong choice and risk coming off as amateurish or even comedic. In a perfect world, you’d consult a graphic designer—but we know that isn’t always reality. Rather than choosing something at random and crossing your fingers that it will all come together, consider one of these graphic designer-approved and FREE Google font combinations.

Unfamiliar with Google fonts? It’s a library of nearly 1,000 font families that you can use on your website or download directly to your machine at absolutely no cost

There should be something within this list that can get you through some day-to-day operations without looking unprofessional from a design standpoint. But remember, for large projects—or when you’re ready to take your brand to the next level—contacting an experienced graphic designer is a must. 

Now onto the good stuff.


1. Merriweather and Montserrat


2. Lobster and Roboto Slab

3. Asap and Flamenco


4. Playfair and Open Sans

5. Sacramento and Arvo

6. Raleway and Vollkorn

7. Bitter and Source Sans

8. PT Sans and PT Serif


9. Crimson Pro and DM Sans

10. Libre Baskerville and Roboto

To learn more about how I can help you raise your design game, contact me to get the conversation started.

Chelsea Liske